Thursday, August 5, 2021


First, we need to first form a new political party.  All the existing political parties are deeply flawed beyond redemption.  If we are to bring about a better country it is not possible to work with any of these parties.  They are all either mired in corruption and abuse of power, or they do not have the right formula for an excellent country.

This new party would need the following:-

1.  A strong leader who is both honest and capable.  Only a strong leader would be able to resist the attempts to continue corruption and bad practices in the country.  If there is any honest and capable politician from any existing political party we can invite him to lead this new party.  If there isn't there is no point trying to take a short cut by simply plugging someone (some today say it's Anwar or Saddiq).  Building a great country is not a joking matter.  The leader must be suitably qualified, otherwise it won't work.  And all the existing political parties in Malaysia do not meet the criteria, otherwise there is no need to form a new party.

2.  A new manifesto and modus operandi.  A leader must be equipped and able to give the Rakyat a new deal which would be far more attractive than the old one as expounded by UMNO leader and former prime minister, Dr Mahathir, in his book The Malay Dilemma.

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