Peter Drucker, the father of management studies, says that it is more important to do the right thing than to do things right. This is particularly true in Malaysian politics for the past sixty years. We should have chosen a leader and a government that is honest and capable, regardless of race or religion. We should have rejected race and religion politics right from the start.
The government so far have never adopted or practiced this and it resulted in a government that most people complain about almost every single day for the past many decades, with the Malay politicians happily exploiting the lack of opposition to their plot of using race and religion to continue governing the country. After almost six decades Malaysia is still deeply mired in corruption, cronyism and abuse of power, recently culiminating in the world-famous 1MDB corruption scandal. Lately it resulted in poor management of Covid-19; causing more than 10,000 deaths so far and millions of businesses closing down nationwide.
The opposition, with DAP in particular, did not do the right thing since Day One. This has led to the country's situation today. Right from the start they were doing the wrong thing, that is, trying to create a Malaysian Malaysia and to fight corruption and abuse of power. Now, many may ask, "How can trying to unite a country and fight corruption be doing the wrong thing?" Well, we can just take a look at the results. After sixty years they do not have a party membership that reflects the racial composition of the country. Not even close. And, after sixty years of fighting corruption how many corruptors have they put behind bars? And why after sixty years, they not only failed to arrest corruption but instead allowed it to rise to the highest level in the form of 1MDB? Their excuse is simply because for all these years they did not have any power to convict corruptors or stop corruption. Which means they have failed miserably. They should have attacked the root cause and fought the politics that allowed people to corrupt instead of making a futile attempt at the fighting the symptoms of corruption instead, making it a totally non-event.

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