Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Breaking the Three Generations Curse

You may not have heard of it but the "three generations curse" is a proverb in Asian countries, particularly among the Chinese. The first generation earns it, the second accumulates it and the third spends it. It is no less true in the west although we may not have a fancy name for it.

Some are lucky to be born on the right side of the coin but they never figured out the way to get there.

They soon find themselves back on the wrong side of the coin. And because they have not figured it out they plunged back into the rat race reserved for the poor and middle class.

The way to break free of the three generations curse is just to accumulate assets! With assets you gain back your financial freedom. And thereby regain your time freedom.

You can break the "three generations curse" by acquiring and accumulating assets.

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