- Bitcoin is something that can appreciate from 1 cent to 1 dollar. From 1 dollar to a thousand dollars. And from a thousand dollcars to a hundred thousand dollars today. And based on such track record over just a decade, who is to say it will not appreciate to a million dollars and beyond?
- Warren Buffett said that Bitcoin (and hence all other cryptos) have no intrinsic value. Why, Bitcoin is money that you can't see and touch, and you can't buy anything with it. So what kind of money is that? Money that you can't transact with and can't store as value (it's too volatile; it has depreciated by 99% overnight) is not really money, is it?
- But Bitcoin can appreciate! That's the awesome part. It has appreciated from 1 cent in 2009 when it first started, to $100,000 today in 2024 - a short period of only 15 years. As such, people today get confused. Without financial intelligence people can't tell the difference between price and value. They think these two words have the same meaning Right now with Bitcoin at historical high you can't convince anyone that Bitcoin money is not real. They will say you are the one who is crazy. Hey! You can easily convert Bitcoin money back into fiat money and vice versa. So, why do you still say Bitcoin is not money? You see, the poor blokes are clueless. Now you know why no government or school in the world teaches us about money. Bitcoin fans who keep cheering it up all the way are actually useful idiots who can't be blamed for their ignorance.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Scam of the Century
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Peter Drucker, the father of management studies, says that it is more important to do the right thing than to do things right. This is particularly true in Malaysian politics for the past sixty years. We should have chosen a leader and a government that is honest and capable, regardless of race or religion. We should have rejected race and religion politics right from the start.
The government so far have never adopted or practiced this and it resulted in a government that most people complain about almost every single day for the past many decades, with the Malay politicians happily exploiting the lack of opposition to their plot of using race and religion to continue governing the country. After almost six decades Malaysia is still deeply mired in corruption, cronyism and abuse of power, recently culiminating in the world-famous 1MDB corruption scandal. Lately it resulted in poor management of Covid-19; causing more than 10,000 deaths so far and millions of businesses closing down nationwide.
The opposition, with DAP in particular, did not do the right thing since Day One. This has led to the country's situation today. Right from the start they were doing the wrong thing, that is, trying to create a Malaysian Malaysia and to fight corruption and abuse of power. Now, many may ask, "How can trying to unite a country and fight corruption be doing the wrong thing?" Well, we can just take a look at the results. After sixty years they do not have a party membership that reflects the racial composition of the country. Not even close. And, after sixty years of fighting corruption how many corruptors have they put behind bars? And why after sixty years, they not only failed to arrest corruption but instead allowed it to rise to the highest level in the form of 1MDB? Their excuse is simply because for all these years they did not have any power to convict corruptors or stop corruption. Which means they have failed miserably. They should have attacked the root cause and fought the politics that allowed people to corrupt instead of making a futile attempt at the fighting the symptoms of corruption instead, making it a totally non-event.

Sunday, August 8, 2021
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Thursday, August 5, 2021
In order for a new political party to be successful, it must publish a book containing the new deal. This book must debunk the theory and social experiment under the old deal as expounded in Mahathir's book, The Malay Dilemma.
The contents of the book tentatively titled NegaraKu must include:-
1. A vision of the new Malaysia - safe and comfortable, with opportunities for all regardless of race, religion or financial status. A world-class nation that is comparable or surpassing that of developed countries in terms of financial stability, mentality, environment, technology, etc.
2. A plan on how to reach that goal ie. having the right leadership and personnel running the country comprising honest and capable people who are highly qualified in their areas of expertise. Above all, it must contain an assurance to the majority race of voters that their privileges and benefits will remain intact and even enhanced under the new deal.
3. A brief discussion regarding the causes of failure of the old deal.
4. A promise and guarantee of an iron-clad framework and system that will ensure that the new party achieves its goals in the shortest possible time.
In order to bring about change or reform and to build a new and better country, a new political party outlined earlier must succeed in following areas:-
1. Marketing. It must give Malaysians a chance to know their manifesto and formula for a new deal. One of the best ways to do this is via publication of a book to refute the formula found in the book The Malay Dilemma. Malaysians and voters across the country must be aware this new deal so that they can vote for it. The party must have a face and a voice of its leader who represents the spirit of the party and its new deal.
2. Delivery or execution. Once Malaysians get to know and accept the new party, they must execute and perform on their promises. If they have not attained power they need to have something like a shadow Cabinet with proposals by competent professionals on what must be done and how to run the country well, so that voters can get a glimpse of their country's future when it is run by that new party.
3. Financing. Without the proper financial support, marketing and execution will be impossible. The plan on paper will fall flat and the project will be stillborn. We must invite people and insitutions of means to join in chip in their support for a better country. Financiers must feel that the new party will stand a realistic chance to succeed before they throw their weight behind that party.
The party will need a sales kit to convince financiers. The sales kit will comprise the book for the new deal, tentatively titled NegaraKu. They will need election campaign plans and execution details, and a list of FAQs for voters and financiers alike.
4. Leadership and personnel. The new party should welcome people from all races to participate in its leadership and execution team. As mentioned earlier, if they are honest and capable they are qualified to join and lead the party, which is governed by its Constitution whereby leader and follower alike must abide. The Constitution will include criteria that members must meet in order to assume any position of responsibility.
Malaysia has been run based on the principle expounded by Dr Mahathir in his book The Malay Dilemma, published in 1970. The main theme of Mahathir's theory is that the Malays who are the majority race in Malaysia, are inferior to the Chinese who have 4,000 years of history surviving wars, plagues, famine, natural disasters and corrupt officials. They are able to survive under the most adverse conditions. On the contrary, the Malays do not have this ability. Therefore, his conclusion is that the Malays must be helped and given a handicap, just like in a game of golf. Otherwise, they will not be able to compete and this will result in the majority race being sidelined. And this will eventually result in an unstable country with violence as a possible outcome.
Mahathir's theory and social experiment as mentioned above is deeply flawed. After running the country based on this prognosis, the country is widely perceived as lagging behind our neighbours who were once considered backward. They have progressed and overtaken Malaysia. In fact, Mahathir himself admited that he has failed because his New Economic Policy or NEP has failed to bring progress for the Malays as he expected, depite repeated encouragement and scoldings by him from time to time, while at the same time admitting that the Chinese still hold the upperhand despite the handicap given.
However, the country up till now is still running on the fuel of affirmative action. This is partly because nobody or no political party has proposed a new deal for all Malaysians - deal that is cohesive and comprehensive. A deal that revokes that premises of Mahathir's The Malay Dilemma.
Therefore, a new political party must outline the terms of the new deal for all Malaysians. This deal must include the following:-
1. The assurance and guarantee of political power and privileges of the Malays who are the majority race in the country - including religious freedom, economic privileges for all classes of Malays, and guaranteed education quota for the willing and deserving.
2. The guarantee of various forms of assistance to other races in Malaysia such as economic, business and educational opportunities for the deserving, regardless of race.
3. The removal of shackles of race and religion in politics. (We can follow the good example of our neighbour Indonesia who bans politicians from using or abusing race and religion in their political ceramahs. Former US President Barack Obama who visited our country also said that any country that divides itself along racial lines will not succeed. We need to bring back the good old days of muhibbah for all Malaysians.)
The politics of race and religion is powerful because it is self-reinforcing. Malay politicians portray themselves as heroes and saviours of the Malays and their religion in order to garner votes. After securing power they will give some handouts to the majority race in order to obtain their continual support. However, it is also destructive because the elite Malay politicians and their cronies will pocket a lot of the country's wealth and leave the Malays still struggling for indefinite periods of time. A new deal must break this powerful force misusing race and religion for personal benefit, under the pretext of helping the Malays. But first they need to win the trust of the Malays which is probably at its easiest level right now under the scourge of Covid. All races are frustrated with the incompetent way the government that is run by Malays right now, including the Malays themselves. They are all desperate to have a "third force" or new political power that can change their situation for the better.
The opposition led by DAP will never be able to reverse the situation because they have failed in their ideals of creating a Malaysian Malaysia. It is all along perceived as a Chinese party. One of the reasons is that they are unable to solve their racial composition within their own party. The Malays are suspicious because they are not properly represented according to the ratio of their population in the country. How would they be able to solve this problem on a national basis if they can't even solve it internally? This has resulted in very clumsy partnerships with PAS, PKR and even Mahathir's Bersatu, which all ended badly.